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The Art of Natural Solution

The Art of NATURE, The Art of SCIENCE



INCI name _ Chimaphila Umbellata Leaf Extract

Common names  |  Pipsissewa, Umbellate wintergreen, Prince's pine 

Scientific name  |  Chimaphila umbellata
Used part  |  Leaf

Known active compounds  |  chimaphilin, benzohydroquinones, methyl salicylate, tannins 

Potential benefits in cosmetics  |  anti-oxidant, anti-microbial
Product name  |  Pipsissewa-ANB


Plant Story

Chimaphila umbellata is a perennial herb native to North America and widely distributed in most of the USA and Canada, except the southern states of USA. It is commonly called pipsissewa, meaning “it breaks into small pieces” in Native American. It is also called prince’s pine, bitter wintergreen, ground holly, or king’s cure. As a traditional medicine, Native Americans used pipsissewa for treating rheumatism, head colds, blisters, kidney disorders, and tuberculosis. It is known for its diuretic, tonic, and astringent properties.


It was reported that the leaves contain chimaphilin and high amount of tannins and they also contain flavonoids including quercetin, hyperoside, kaempferol, and avicularin. Phenols including methyl salicylate and salicylic acid methyl ester are also reported. Chimaphilin has been reported to have anti-microbial properties. A study investigated the anti-microbial activities and anti-oxidant activities of pipsissewa extract. Results show the crude extract to have radical scavenging activity and its active compound chimaphilin has anti-microbial activities against several microorganisms.